A profit is a real-time value showing the difference between the starting and current balance. It represents the overall performance for the specified period.
The value is calculated to estimate the strategy performance (strategy profit). Also, it is calculated to estimate an subscriber's copy trading profit.
Strategy profit calculation
To calculate the strategy profit we are using the Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWR) model. TWR is a measure of the compound rate of growth in a portfolio.
Cash flow operation (e.g. deposit, withdrawal, bonus assessments, etc) doesn’t impact trading performance.
2 parameters are used to calculate the strategy profit:
The value of your portfolio at the moment the strategy is published or
on the date of the profit calculation for a certain period (a week, a month, 6 months) starts.Strategy value at the end of the trading period.
The profit is calculated by the formula:
To calculate profit for a chosen period, the value of all its trading periods will be summarized. Trading period is defined with the cash flow not related to your copy trading activity (deposits, withdrawals, bonuses assessment, etc.). Each period starts with 0 portfolio value.
*Cash flow does not include deposits, withdrawals, or other operations not related to trading. Trading fees are not taken into account as well.
The strategy profit is calculated in the strategy base coin - BTC or USDT.