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Stop Loss Feature on Coinmatics
Updated over 2 years ago

Stop loss feature is a great tool to help you manage trading risks. By specifying the certain % of your current portfolio, you indicate the sum that you will definitely not loose.

How it works

The system will track the amount of your funds on the exchange. If your lifetime profit (TWR) goes below the specified stop loss value, the system will automatically stop your copy trading subscription and convert all assets on the exchange to the selected coin.

How to choose a stop loss value

Stop loss value is a part (%) of the initial balance that will be saved anyway. When your balance achieves this value, your subscription will stop and all your assets will be converted to the selected coin.

Please take into consideration that drawdowns and uprises are typical in trading. Therefore, you may not receive the desired copy trading results if the value is too high. The common value is around 70-75%.

How to set a value for spot loss

There are 2 ways to enable the stop loss feature:

  1. When subscribing to a strategy: you will have the option to select a value for a stop loss at one of the stages of subscribing to a copy trading;

  2. Active strategy details: you need to open the "My Subscriptions" page, then the active strategy subscription. On the right side you will find the options of the subscription and the "Stop Loss" section.


  • Stop loss feature does not take into account deposits, withdrawals, transfers between sub-accounts and other non-trading operations. You can do these operations without the risk of triggering stop loss function.

  • This feature applies only to Spot strategies on Binance, OKX and Bybit exchanges.

  • The feature is available only for Premium and Premium Ref users. Learn more about plans from this article.

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