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Subscription Feature on Coinmatics
Updated over a year ago

This article covers information about the subscription feature on Coinmatics released on November 8, 2021.


About Subscriptions

A subscription allows you to stay informed about your copy trading process and manage it. There is a vast number of options available:

  • track your profit and the success of copying;

  • see detailed information on the trades and payments; notice possible errors and resolve them, and many more.

When you subscribe to a strategy on a Strategy page, a new subscription is created. You can view and manage all your subscriptions on the My Subscriptions page.

Note that:

  • There are 2 types of subscriptions: copy trading or signals subscriptions.

  • You can create multiple subscriptions to one strategy. NB: make sure you do not subscribe to a strategy using an exchange account that is already subscribed to it. This will lead to copy trading errors.

My Subscriptions page

My Subscriptions page enables you to see all your subscriptions at once and track the most important parameters – subscription status, profits, and the percent of copied trades.

To open the page, on the left menu click on “Copy Trading” -> “My Subscriptions”.

By specifying the period, you can compare the strategies by the profits they’ve brought you. By changing the period value, the copied trades and profit values in the table will change correspondingly. A 1 month period is set by default.

You can also track the statuses of all your subscriptions on this page (learn more about the statuses in the section below).

Also note, that if your copied trades value is highlighted in red color, it means that your copying is below normal. Go to the corresponding subscription page to find out the reasons.

Copy Trading Subscription page

The Subscription overview page contains detailed information on the selected subscription and allows you to manage it from one page.

To open the page, on the left menu click on “Copy Trading” -> “My Subscriptions”, then select a subscription by clicking on the record.

New features:

  • Subscription status. Learn more about the statuses in the section below.

  • Stop Copying / Resubscribe button. Learn more about unsubscribing and resubscribing in the section below.

  • Infographics. You can see 2 charts that represent your copy trading profit. The Profit Cumulative Chart is displayed by default and shows your aggregated profit over the selected time period. Profit Histogram Chart shows your profit by each day.

  • Your copy trading profit. Profit (TWR) – your profit calculated using time-weighted rate of return model (learn more in this article). You can compare this parameter with the strategy profit, as they both are calculated using the same method (TWR) and only cash flow is taken into consideration in calculation (i.e. non-trading operations such as funds deposit, withdrawal, bonus money do not influence the calculation). Note that your profit can differ from the trader's due to the delay in copying, and hence the price at which the orders were executed. In addition, copy trading errors can lead to a difference in profits.

Subscription Statuses

There are 3 possible subscription statuses: Active, Stopped and Disabled.

  • Active status indicates that copy trading is on.

  • Stopped status indicates that copy trading has been stopped due to some error, or if your current subscription period is over and there are no funds on your Coinmatics balance to pay for the next period (note that subscription payments are charged automatically). The subscription can be resumed.

  • Disabled status indicates that copy trading has been stopped because you cancelled the subscription or deleted your API key on Coinmatics. The subscription can be resumed.

Unsubscribe from a Strategy

To unsubscribe from a strategy, click on the “Stop Copying” button on the Subscription page.

After that copy trading and signals sending will stop, and the subscription will have status Disabled. Subscription fees auto payment will also stop.

Resubscribe to a Strategy

To resubscribe to a strategy, click on the “Resubscribe” button on the Subscription page.

When you resubscribe, a new subscription to the same strategy will be created. The expiration date of the new subscription will be the same as that of the current subscription.

Note the following:

  • When you resubscribe, you can choose any of your exchange accounts connected to Coinmatics (i.e. not only that of the current subscription). NB: make sure you do not resubscribe to a strategy using an exchange account that is already subscribed to it. This will lead to copy trading errors.

  • You can resubscribe to both stopped and disabled subscriptions. A disabled subscription can be resumed only before its expiration date.

  • If you resubscribe to a paid subscription before its expiration date (Paid Until), your new subscription will be created free of charge and it will have the same expiration date. After that expiration date, you will be charged for the further subscription periods automatically from your Coinmatics balance.

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