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Accounts total balance limit
Updated over 2 years ago

There is a limit on the sum of all exchange accounts balances connected to your Coinmatics account, i.e. the limit on accounts total balance. To see your total balance, open the Accounts page:

The limit on accounts total balance depends on your Coinmatics plan:

  • Free plan limit: 1,000 USDT max

  • Lite plan limit: 10,000 USDT max

  • Premium and Premium Ref plans: no limit

Please note, that if you've connected several API keys from one exchange account, the total balance is calculated based on the number of API keys.

Exceeding the limit may lead to subscriptions stoppages. To avoid this, we recommend upgrading the plan. If the limit is exceeded and no action is taken, the period prior stoppage will be 24 hours.


  • Only assets on the exchange account are taken into account. In other words, the platform does not take into account the added leverage on the futures account.

  • The accounts total balance limit does not apply to traders.

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